Questions & Answers
To clarify any terms used in these questions and answers, please view our glossary of common terms used within The Remedy
Families (7)
How will people be supported to make their own choices – not what their family or service provider thinks is best?
How will families build confidence in the Remedy and the province’s ability to meet the needs of their family member?
As a person with disability, what will happen if my family doesn’t support inclusion?
What if I don’t have a family to support me or don’t want my family to support me?
Can the Remedy help families connect with other families across the province?
What is the Remedy going to do to support families?
Will people be reconnected with family members?
Closing Institutions (6)
What if some people don’t want to leave the institution?
Can an individual keep working with their current support person?
Where will people live?
What is the closure process, and how will transitions be supported?
What is the timeline?
How many institutions are closing and where are they located?
Safety (4)
What measures and safeguards will be in place to monitor safety and prevent abuse?
What supports are available to help an individual leave an abusive situation?
How will communities be supported to understand potential situations where an individual may be in crisis or expressing themselves through behaviour?
What safeguards will be in place?
Housing (7)
What happens if a person’s housing plan isn’t working, or they want to move?
What safeguards will be in place?
How will DSP promote the home sharing model to attract hosts?
What changes will be made to bring small option homes and group homes in alignment with the Remedy?
What does home sharing look like?
What happens to residents that live in small options homes and group homes?
How will the Remedy support people to find housing and other supports they need to live in community?
Workforce (9)
Is there a comprehensive plan for the training and recruitment of staff?
How is the training, skills assessment, hiring, and performance standards, and accountabilities of support workers going to be different than it is now?
How should service providers balance the need to move forward with change management around the Remedy with staff?
For organizations that own buildings like small option and group homes, how will the physical structure be funded in the future in a way that provides stability for the service providers?
How will the Remedy support Service providers?
Will training be available for all staff?
Will LACs and IPSCs monitor individuals in both licensed and non-licensed homes and apartments?
Will individuals have a say in choosing their support workers, and how will this process work?
Will peer support people be paid for their labour?
Choice (9)
Does this mean a person with disability can choose anything they want?
As a DSP participant, what if I make mistakes?
How do we know if someone has capacity to make decisions?
What does Supported Decision Making look like in practice?
What safeguards or measures can make sure the individual’s choices are being supported – not the choice of parents or service providers?
How will individuals be supported to make informed choices if they have never done so before?
How will DCS/DSP make sure participants are fully included in the community?
How will community organizations be supported to serve more people in community?
How will the Remedy ensure choice for people with disabilities across Nova Scotia – including smaller and rural communities?
Individualized Funding (13)
Will day program funding be included in a person’s individualized funding?
Where is the funding coming from for all these proposed changes?
Will funding be provided to day programs to support wages for the employment of people with disabilities?
Will the cap on employment income for participants be reviewed/changed/removed?
How will funding levels be determined?
What will IF mean for service providers?
When does it start?
Who is eligible for IF?
What will IF look like in practice?
How will individualized funding work and who will help with managing that funding?
Who can access planning?
Will other departments’ programs like Self-Managed Care (part of Seniors and Long-Term Care, or SLTC) be affected by the Remedy?
How will DSP’s current programs like Independent Living Support (ILS) and Flex Independent be impacted?
Planning (12)
How will the supports work in rural areas?
Will people with Autism be supported in the Remedy (even those without intellectual disability)?
Will the Remedy support youth and children?
How will DSP drive a culture shift that changes institutional mindsets and practices?
How will DSP work after the Remedy? Will DSP participants have the same care coordinators?
How will DSP work with other departments to align on vision and inclusion?
How will the regional hubs be developed?
Will regional hubs be staffed with medical professionals (doctors, mental health etc.)?
Will the Shared Services Pilot be continued?
What does planning look like?
I’m a DSP participant. Who helps me with my plan?
How will individualized funding work and who will help with managing that funding?